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Record BLD22-01463

502-New or Added Commercial

Record Status: Issued Revision Pending


Project Location


Record Details

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All fees associated with this record should be listed below. If you are expecting to see a fee but do not, please refresh the page. If you still do not see the correct fee, please contact the Building Department at or call (208) 608-7070.

There may also be associated fees due on related records. Use the Related Records option under Record Info to review associated records. Logged in users may also use the ePay function on the Home page to pay multiple fees at once.

Unfamiliar with the ePay tool? Check out our quick ePay and other How-to Videos.



No inspections are permitted in areas that have not yet been approved or are being reviewed under a Plan Modification.

The inspection cutoff time for both AM and PM inspections is 07:30 AM daily. Morning inspections will occur between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Afternoon inspections occur between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM.

Planning Approval & Public Works Department inspections must be scheduled via phone. Please account for five business days for scheduling. Please contact the Zoning Inspection line for Planning Inspections at 208-608-7108 and Public Works at 208-608-7150 to schedule your Inspections.

Contact information for your inspector can be found on the Record Details screen.

If you are a contractor and have not already contacted PDS to connect your license or registration to your Permitting and Licensing system account, please do so. This will help ensure your ability to request inspections for all of the projects you are associated with in the City of Boise.

For information about which inspection is needed please visit the Inspection Services page for inspection type information.



You have not added any inspections.




Not finding the information you're looking for? Submit your public records request. Please reference your record number in the request.

The maximum file size allowed is 40 MB.
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Plan Review

Error in GetSessionID: InternalServerError-{"Message":"Error Message:
Failed executing login

Invalid email passed

Full Error:
System.Exception: Invalid email passed\r\n at ProjectDoxLib.Core.PDUser.InitAdd(String FirstName, String LastName, String Email, String Company, String Title, String Address1, String Address2, String City, String State, String ZipCode, String Country, String WorkPhone, String CellPhone, String Pager, String Fax, Boolean AllowProjectCreate, AddUserSource Source, Boolean Admin, Int32 CurrentUserID, Int32 GroupID, Nullable`1 portalUserID)\r\n at ProjectDoxLib.Core.PDUser.Add(String FirstName, String LastName, String Email, String Company, String Title, String Address1, String Address2, String City, String State, String ZipCode, String Country, String WorkPhone, String CellPhone, String Pager, String Fax, Boolean AllowProjectCreate, AddUserSource Source, Boolean Admin, Int32 CurrentUserID, Int32 SiteGroupID, Nullable`1 portalUserID)\r\n at ProjectDox.Business.Core.User.AddWithProfile(UsersModel model, Int32 createdByUserID)\r\n at ProjectDox.Web.API.Core.UserController.LoginByProxy(UsersModel user)"}

Processing Status


Right Of Way Management

No ROWM data available at this time.

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